Wednesday, February 27, 2008

why not post my soul on the internet.

(how can you not think about the sun on a day like today when your soul wants to burst out of your body because the sky is blue and the air is warm and you are alive?)

the golden summer

the sun kissed your shoulders
freckles and gentle,
sloping and Real.
Like the edges
of an old film, grainy haze
of what once
was, immortalized.
silent, humming, perfect
before the days of HDTV
traffic and health
the air was always sweet
those days of scorching bliss;
all the cares of
suspended on the
Now is all we had.
Now is all we have.
Here, this air,
your breath,
this night of faith
knight of faith
the infinite whisper of
of endless summer nights
barefoot, all leading to
this moment,
this place. this space
of possibility.
the days in the grass
have dimmed and gone,
but in the set of your jaw
i find
my golden summer.


Amanda said...

"Scorching bliss," "infinite whisper" might consider posting your soul on the internet more often. It's a beautiful soul. And bring on that golden summer, I say!

Katherine said...

I already told you I'm in love with your soul. But I'll say it again: I love your soul.

You remind me to be and live more beautifully, if that even makes sense.

(Will you post your soul again sometime?)

Campby said...

"those days of scorching bliss;
all the cares of
suspended on the
You took me back to hot summers as a youth when I ran around with nothing on my body or mind. My only care... stubbed toes.