Tuesday, January 29, 2008

the things i actually do when i am pretending to do my homework.

or, a secret peek into shannons night life:

read ee cummings poetry from my prized possession, the complete works of ee cummings. wish i had someone to share it with when i find a beautiful poem. have no one, so fantasize what it will be like when someone cares that i found a poem that made my soul collapse. reconcile self to the thought that maybe no one will ever care.

mark off where i have been in the wonderful book 1000 places to go before you die. while marking, plan trips to germany, greece, and anne frank's house. consider getting in my car and driving across america, but too cold to get out of bed.

read about radiohead on the internet. research arcade fire and their affiliation with the church. look at beck's art work online and wonder if he really believes in scientology.

wikipedia things i want to know more about that i wrote in the margins of my notes during class. previous searches: earlobe functions, gender difference in latin america, zoot suit riot, fox news and animal language to describe migrants, modernization theory, child prostitution in thailand, lead poisioning, dandruff and its causes.

watch snowboarding videos such as white balance. remember back on times when i used to be cool and reconcile myself to the fact that i will probably never be cool again.

ride my bike at 2 am. its cold at that hour, i probably don't recommend it.

see how many times i can listen to one song in a row before i get so sick of it i never want to listen to it again. i probably have the highest tolerance for repetition you have ever seen. watch beyonce irreplaceable on youtube and feel liberated from malekind.

write family newsletter emails to my whole family that describe the things i learned in school that day and end with sincerely, the prime minister of the world. ally mehner now refers to me as prime minister of the world in her daily conversations.

listen to music while lying upside down with my feet on the bed and my head on the floor. i like doing this while i eat laffy taffy and drink diet soda. i also like doing this when i am depressed.

write poetry that you will never read because i will never show it to you. consider sending poems i have written about various people across the world to them, realize this is bad idea and remove idea from head. as a warning, i write a poem about every new person i meet, so if you are reading this i have probably written a poem about you. i hope that terrifies you.

do reading for school, only never assigned reading. only reading that is due much later in the semester and that in no way will benefit my education at this point. i also read stuff from past semesters, that will not benefit me grade wise either.

buy stunna shades online.

get depressed about the state of humanity.

decide i am going to help the world. resolve to be more productive tomorrow.


dave said...

Ha Ha That sounds like my daily trips to the library. Then I leave hours later only to realize that I only have more homework then when I started

mirbysan said...

how i love you, shannon mehner.
And if i sing you are my voice,

clomis said...

but i did read mine. i think it was around 2 in the morning that you sent it to me. it is saved on my computer. it is also about 2 right now.